Onsite Health Services, comprehensive program in collaboration between Marshall Medical Population Health, El Dorado County Health and Human Services, Marshall Foundation for Community Health, as well as other health related services in El Dorado County, now provides mobile healthcare to residents with limited transportation, are elderly, rural, or are homeless. Care addresses medical needs including wound care, mental health and addiction, blood sugar and blood pressure management, as well as diabetes management, heart disease, medication adherence, substance use care, and family planning, However, most recently, the need to provide COVID-19 vaccines has taken center-stage.
Though the mobile healthcare travel schedule is flexible and may vary, services are generally available:
Tuesdays 3-5 p.m. at the Upper Room on Broadway in Placerville
Fridays 12-2p.m. at the Georgetown Library
Watch this page for an updated and more detailed schedule coming soon.
Click to read more about this program in the winter edition of For Your Health.
For more information about this critical service, contact:
Shaunda Crane, RN, MS, CWCN, MSN, PHN
Director of Marshall Medical Care Coordination for Vulnerable Populations
530-735-7339 (Texts preferred)